e-GDS EasyBooking

Go to e-GDS BackOffice, and click on "Recover Password". Then, you put your username and this way you will receive an email to create a new personal and untransferable password.
Go to BackOffice, choose the hotel and access the menu "Hotel Info" Image Setup. To delete a picture you must select the image and then click on the "Delete" button. To add a new image, click on "Upload Image". Then simply drag the file from your computer. The file to be uploaded must be less than 1 meg in weight. After editing the image, follow the size recommendations given. NOTE: Do not delete the images with the default designation and logo. To change them you must upload a new image correctly sized and with the same file name.
Go to e-GDS BackOffice, select the hotel in the Info menu " Hotel" Tab Supplements.
In this menu you will see several supplements that already exist by default (hotel supplement). If you want to add one, just check it.
If you want to add a supplement to this list: go to Info " Extras " Hotel Tab. After creating a new add-on you have to go back to Info " Hotel " Add-ons Tab to put the tick and activate the add-on to be visible in the booking engine.
Go to e-GDS BackOffice, select the Hotel and go to Info " Extras " Rooms Tab.
In this menu you will see several supplements that already exist by default. If you want to add, just check it by going to the Accommodations menu, and in the configured room click on the "Edit" button and select the tab Extras.
If you want to add a supplement to this list: Info menu " Extras" Rooms tab. After creating a new add-on you still have to access the Add-ons tab in the respective room to put the tick and activate the add-on so it will be visible in the booking engine.
Go to e-GDS BackOffice, select the hotel and then click on the menu Info " Hotel.
In the field "Time limit for same-day bookings" you can set the time you want (23:59 indicates that at any time the guest can make a reservation)
Yes. Access e-GDS BackOffice, select the hotel by clicking on the menu Info " Hotel, placing the desired address in the "alternative email" field.
When requesting requirements and training for the Booking Engine you were asked for a DUMP mail account. This email that was provided to us receives a copy of all emails that are sent from our platform to guests. This way you can confirm that the email was sent.
Yes, you can. Access e-GDS BackOffice, choose the hotel and access the menu Info " Hotel and in the field "Voucher Message" put your personalized text. Please note that you must write this message in all languages.
The texts displayed in the Booking Engine Front End are all editable in the e-GDS B2C backoffice:
1. Hotel Details: menu Hotel Info " Hotel;
2. Reservation Policy: menu Info " Reservation Profiles;
3. Rooms: menu Info " Accommodation;
4. Rate Plans (including cancellation policy for each one): menu Rates " Regime (Rate Plan).
If for any reason you want to remove from Guest visibility all the offer you have loaded in the Booking Engine, you can access the Hotel Info" Reservation Profiles" menu.
In the field "N. Max. Rooms per Reservation" field equal to 0 (zero)
Yes, just access the menu Info " Accommodation, clicking on the "Edit" button for the respective room and click on the "Generate Simulation" button for simulation.
No. For example, if you choose to create a "Package" Rate Plan and then try to change it to "Promotion", it is not possible. You will always have to add a new Rate Plan.
Cancellation Policies are defined per Rate Plan. Go to e-GDS BackOffice, choose the hotel and access the Rates menu " Rate Plan. In case your Cancellation Policy does not fit in any of the options presented, please contact our support team.
Hotel Booking Policies are set by accessing the menu Info" Booking Profiles. Here you also define the payment method to be considered.
In the menu Tariffs" Promotional Code, click on the add button.
To create a promotional code you must give it a name and assign a code, which can be alpha numeric. You must define a rate plan for the promotional code you are creating.
Note: The booking start and end dates are the dates when the guest can use the code, regardless of the booking period.
Yes. You must create a specific Rate Plan to be considered in the period. After you have created the promotional code you will put the start and end date of the period that the promotional code is active, associating then the desired Rate Plan.
The same must have availability loaded for the period you have determined as bookable with the promotional code.
In the menu Reservations " Reservation Search, select the reservation you want to view the credit card data and click on the button "View".
You will get the details of the reservation, where at the bottom you will have an area with the following information "To view card details re-enter your login details and click on [Show Card Details]". You will have to perform this login to access the data.
Note: This credit card data is only available up to 48 hours after the customer has checked out. After this period, all data is deleted forever for security reasons.
Yes. Go to BackOffice, choose the hotel, and in the menu Reservations " Reservation Search, on the reservation you want to cancel, click on the icon with X. Then you can add the reason for the cancellation to be registered and then click "Cancel".
In the menu Info " Products create the products you want and the associated Product Category.
To put availability in this product you must first create a Rate Plan of the type "Product", in the menu Rates (Rate Plan), so you can put a description of it and the cancellation policy.
After the creation you have to go to the menu Booking Engine " Products and clicking on the button "Upload Availability".
You can use the quick menu found on the Hotel Dashboard or just go to the menu Channels " Bulk Operations and perform the operation.
Here you can also use the quick menu on the Hotel Dashboard or just go to the menu Channels " Bulk Operations and perform the operation.
To send minimum nights you just need to go to the menu Channels " Bulk Operations and perform the operation.
To send any kind of restrictions you just need to go to the menu Channels " Bulk Operations and perform the operation.
Note: Most external channels do not accept Release sent via Channel Manager.
To create a room you have to go to the menu Info " Accommodations. It will contain several fields to be parameterized (how much the room can hold in terms of total occupancy, then adults, children and babies, so that at the end of this parameterization you can simulate what are the possibilities of selling the room, according to the parameterizations.
By going to the menu Channels " Submissions History, you can filter and get the data you want to search.
Moreover, you can go to the menu Channels " Submissions Planning and get the same data, but in Calendar form.
By going to the menu Reservations " Reservation Search, you can refine the search, according to the parameters you selected and get a list of reservations, which you can later export to excel, word and/or CSV.
You must have Administrator / Hotel Manager permission in order to give permission to any user to view Guest data, in the booking details and in the Info " Customers menu, by logging in again.
Yes you can. You can manage independently the sales of your rooms as well as your promotions (or any other Rateplan you have).
Yes you can. You must request via email to our support team, with that request for that license to be activated from our side.
Yes you can. You must request via e-mail to our support team, with this request for this license to be activated from our side.
You must request it via email to your e-GDS account manager or send an email to the support team and make that request.
Yes they can. After logging in, in the Front End of the e-GDS booking engine, in the customer area, they can access the history of all reservations made by the Guest and can edit or cancel them, subject to the conditions of each hotel/reservation.
Yes, you can. You must request it via email to your e-GDS account manager or send an email to the support team and make the request.
In the menu Info " Hotel you can edit your property description, photos, amenities, among many other associated details.
Yes you can. You should request it via email to your e-GDS account manager or send an email to the support team and make that request and a proposal will be sent to you.
Yes, you can if you have the e-GDS Allotment Centralized module active. This module allows you to manage your availability in an automated way, being able to limit the sale of the last rooms to a certain channel/extranet.
Consult your e-GDS account manager or our e-GDS Support and learn more information about this module.
In the menu Info " Booking Profiles you can define several payment methods (credit card, bank transfer or payment at check-in).
Reservations made with the method of payment by bank transfer, enter the e-GDS and remain in PENDING status. A pre-booking voucher is generated and sent via email. Only after the hotel verifies its good payment and registers the reservation as effective (when it receives the payment) does the reservation become as PENDING.
To transform a PENDING reservation (in these cases) into a REGISTERED reservation, you must go to the menu Reservations " Reservation Search, search for the reservation by ID and click on the icon with an acceptance check in the options column. If you accept, a second email will be sent to you with the reservation confirmation voucher.
If not accepted, simply click on the icon with an "x" and the reservation will be CANCELLED and the cancellation confirmation voucher will be sent.
Yes you can. Each rateplan has its own cancellation policy and there are 4 default policy options to choose from.
But you can still apply a customizable policy automatically according to your booking management policy.
Yes you can. You must request via email to our support team and make the request.
Yes you can. You must request via email to our support team and make this request for the respective license to be activated.
Yes you can. You have to request via email to our support team and make the request.
Yes you can. You must request via email to your e-GDS account manager or send an email to the support team and make that request and a proposal will be sent to you.
Yes, it is. You must request via email to your e-GDS account manager or send an email to the support team and make that request and a proposal will be sent to you.
Yes you can. You should request via email to your e-GDS account manager or send an email to the support team and make that request and a proposal will be sent to you.
Please contact our support team and ask for the unlocking of your user.
Support Office: +351 225420760 | Mobile: +351 912423266 | Skype: support.e-gds | Email: support@e-gds.com
With Administrator or Hotel Manager permission, you can manage your users. In the case of deletion, you cannot delete, but you can inactivate.
To do this you have to go to the menu Group " Security-Users.
There is no limit to the number of users in e-GDS. You can have 4 types of permissions:
- Administrator: Has no access limit. You can also consult guest details, as well as credit card data (if you have this permission active). Normally this permission is for someone who will have access to all the group hotels.
- Hotel Manager: There is no access limit. You can also see guest details from reservations and credit card details (if you have this permission given by the user with "Administrator" permission). Usually this permission is for someone who will have access only to a specific Hotel or group Hotels.
- Hotel Plus Staff: You are only allowed to check reservations, make StopSales/Opensales and manage availability. You can also query guest details from reservations and credit card details (if you have this permission given by a user with "Administrator" permission).
- Hotel Staff: You are only allowed to check reservations and make StopSales/Opensales. You can also see details of the guest's reservations and credit card (if you have this permission given by a user with the permission "Administrator").
Support Office: +351 225420760 | Mobile: +351 912423266 | Skype: support.e-gds | Email: support@e-gds.com