e-GDS Contact Manager

The e-GDS Contact Manager module aims to offer a number of advantages that will help you identify, understand and serve your guests, in order to build loyalty and increase guest satisfaction levels.

This functionality will allow you to know your guests better, which will add more value and increase guest satisfaction.

Create Marketing and Loyalty campaigns by knowing your guests well. Giving special conditions to loyal guests, and this increasing the number of direct bookings.

Main Advantages:

Take your customers’ satisfaction to the next level:

  • Profiling your customers.
  • Improve your customer service.
  • Increase revenue from your customers.
  • Maximize upselling and cross-selling.
  • Improve your marketing strategies.

Loyalty and campaign management:

  • Increase upselling and cross-selling by fostering greater engagement with the host.
  • Organization of the guest list and separation by categories.
  • Improve service quality and reduce the distance between hotel and guest.
  • Profiling and segmentation of guests by a wide range of characteristics: preferences, stay history, incident records, contact records, meeting and phone scheduling.
  • Registration of special dates, to promote targeted discounts to increase guest loyalty.
  • Guest management dashboard that will allow you to organize meetings, schedule contacts, and log incidents.
Yes, you can create and define different profile types per customer.
You can segment guests by a broad set of characteristics: preferences, stay history, incident logs, contact logs, meeting schedules, and phone calls.
Yes, through the dashboard you can do all kinds of management.
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