e-GDS Surveyhas as its database the reservations that are in e-GDS Backoffice, from the Channel Manager and Booking Engine.
If you wish and if you have a connection with a PMS, it is possible in some situations to change the database and connect the emails from the PMSand not from the e-GDS Backoffice, so, for example, in the case of walk-ins, these are also taken into account for sending.
When there is no connection with a PMS, there is a feature in e-GDS Backoffice that allows you to create new reservations, for situations where the reservation has not entered through the system.
To create the new reservation, we have the Survey menu, in the property area, Records > Reservations.
Below the“Advanced Search”there is a button,“+New Reservation”and this is the place where you can create your new reservations.
When you select New Reservation, the system will prompt you to double log in, as this is more specific guest information. You need to do this and have access to the guest details so that you can check the area where you will need to write the guest’s email address.
This step aims to check if in the database there is already a customer with the same e-mail that will create the new reservation. If this does not exist, the system will show you a warning indicating that the customer was not found and if you want to create a new one. To make the creation you must proceed with “Yes”.
The system will show you the new customer creation page with the fields:
All fields must be filled in and Saved.
Once the data is saved, you must fill in the new information requested, about the reservation itself:
This is the last step. By selecting save, you will be presented with a table, summarizing all the information created from the new reservation. You can always edit the last step about the reservation or check for more information in the last column.
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