Survey Parameterization

Creating the Survey

As already mentioned, e-GDS Survey is subdivided into two areas: Group Area and Hotel Area

To have the whole system loaded in order to start sending automatic emails, you must take into account the order below:

  1. Select the languages you want available, in the Group area, Survey ” Languages,;
  2. Define the e-mails that will be sent, and create them in the group area, in the menu Survey > E-mail Templates;
  3. Create the Categories and Questions, in the group area, Survey ” Categories and Questions;
  4. Make any changes in the Hotel’s e-mails, if necessary, in the hotel’s area, Survey ” Configuration ” E-mail Templates;
  5. Review the configuration settings and change them, if necessary, in the hotel area, Survey ” Configuration ” Setup;
  6. Define the sending of the e-mails and activate the sending in the hotel area, Survey ” Configuration ” Schedulers
  7. To add a reservation via e-mail, walk-in reservations, among others, you must select in the hotel area, Survey > Records > Reservations and create a new reservation
Advanced Configuration Details Create a new reservation
Glossary Survey Glossary